Saturday, March 1, 2008

YouTube Clips

Everything connected with the Global Network If you have never viewed a youtube videos - you or unusual owner who uses the Internet only to find texts that might be needed during the writing of his doctoral dissertation, or still accessing the Internet via dial-up. For other residents of network viewing videos on YouTube has become commonplace in the same online classes, reading blogs, downloading programs and communication in the forums.

Here are some greatest videos news ever on the internet:

As per my knowledge, the most popular (number of page views) on YouTube clip in 2007, has become a devotee of video crying Britney Spears, a herd of buffalo and courageous enamored of Barak Obamu girl. That was reported by The New York Times.

Among the most popular - with video recognition in the love of Senator Barack Obame, who could become a candidate for President of the United States of the Democratic Party. The girl sang his song on YouTube more than 4 million times, in addition, movie and TV hit.

In addition, the leaders probilas and scandalous singer Britney Spears. Or rather, one of its fans - he was very genuine and has asked "leave Britney alone." The roller has been viewed 14 million times and became the fourth of the number of comments on Youtube ever.

But the best has become another clip. Video, which recorded the attack on the herd of buffalo lions, were viewed on YouTube nearly 22 million times. Buffalo discouraged from one of the lions of calves, which has already begun hungry "kings of beasts."

The Financial Times newspaper published a list of the five most "Spliced" video in 2007. This was so called viral promotional video. So if you want to see something funny, strange, thrilling  or scarring just visit you tube and have fun.

YouTube has become more than just an entertainment portal. Here you can find valuable and often unique video, which does not want to simply watch and forget, and save in a personal archive. This rare video clips musical artists, author’s video for a variety of programs, animated clips of famous studios, and more. The review will examine different programs, and other funds for the preservation and viewing videos from YouTube.

Here on utube clips, you get only the best clips, the funniest videos and the most exciting selection of what YouTube offers. You can find latest and best Comedy, Autos & Vehicles, Education, Entertainment, Film & Animation, Howto & Style, Music, News & Politics, People & Blogs, Pets & Animals, Science & Technology, Sports, Travel & Events video's on


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